I’ve written about this topic before but now is a great time for a refresh.
Bear does pretty well in school; in fact, he’s amazing! He currently reads at a 5th/6th grade level and is very quick with math. His writing still needs a lot of work, but he’s improving by the week!
Now, I’m not one of those parents who send their child to school so the teacher can babysit them; I actually interact with Bear and help him with his homework. We have a rule that he has to complete his homework by Thursday night so he can turn it in on Friday and be completely free for the weekend. We’ve learned the hard way that Bear hates doing homework on the weekends and let’s face it – I would rather be outside or with friends than doing homework so I can completely relate.
During the first few weeks of the pandemic, we purchased workbooks to help Bear in addition to his schoolwork. Now, they’ve become a regular part of his learning and I highly recommend them.
Learn to Read!
I really like this workbook because not only do children practice writing the words, but they can also come up with sentences with said words as well!
The Brain Quest series.
I cannot get enough of this series! It is definitely one of my favorites and you won’t be disappointed! It has a lot of cool and fun games for kids to do as they learn math, reading comprehension, and writing!
I Can Write!
Tooting my own horn here, I also published a children’s workbook for purchase! Children can learn to write their names out by letter tracing and practicing sentences!
So, there you have it! A few workbooks to choose from! What are some of your favorites?